Escape Marquette - Submerged Escape Room up to 10 People

$150.00 $320.00

Escape Marquette - Submerged Escape Room up to 10 People - Value $320.00

130 W. Washington Street
Lower Level, Suite 4


The vessel you are currently on is stalled out, and the equipment used to pressurize the cabin is malfunctioning. We are trying to determine what has caused this, but it will take some time and may not matter if your team isn’t careful.

The USS Royal was decommissioned years ago and its technology is completely unique. It dives when critical systems are triggered, but for some reason we can't get it to respond to commands from this control center. It's up to you. 

You MUST enact emergency protocol systems and repressurize the cabin, locate the oxygen supplies for EVAC and return to the surface. In our best estimate, you have one hour to get this done. By our calculations, any longer than that will cause the submarine to rupture and sink...with you in it. No time to waste. Get moving!

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